new baby messages before birth



new baby messages before birth

Blessing the pregnancy and asking that it be an adornment in your life and righteousness to you and your newborn happy your heart and those who love you. We present to you in this paragraph the most beautiful phrases of pregnancy from words about my pregnancy and messages expressing your feeling of pregnancy, expressions about the joy of pregnancy.

  • I congratulate you on your pregnancy, O Allah, make him among the righteous of Your servants, the memorizers of Your Book, the best of people in religion, worship and morals, and the happiest of them in life and the most satisfying of them.
  • Pray to God that your pregnancy will be complete and that you will be well and in perfect health, and that God bless and protect your child for you and that you will never see ill, sick or tired, God willing. 
  • God willing, your eyes will be comforted by your child and ease for you the rest of the days of your pregnancy and grant you health, strength and patience.
  • May the gifted be blessed and thank the donor. May God bless you with his righteousness and reach his fullest, and may God make him one of His righteous servants.
  • The news of your pregnancy has made my heart very happy. Pray to God that it will be well, and that the child will grow up in obedience to God and be righteous to his parents and memorizers of the Holy Qur’an, God willing.
  • We ask God Almighty to perpetuate His grace upon us and to bless you with a healthy child who is righteous and pious, and that every difficult matter is easy for you and all pains are eased for you and childbirth is easy.

Phrases about pregnancy with a girl

Phrases about pregnancy with a girl make it very easy for pregnant women. These messages are very calm and very happy because they are expressive and they must implement these words and read a lot. If you have a friend or a relative, send him these following phrases:

  • Have you heard the latest news of a pregnant woman who will give birth to a daughter like the moon? O Lord, lighten her burden and make her the best of people in the world.
  • Our family has increased a piece of sugar, my Lord, make her life as sweet as the sweetness and joy of her arrival.
  • Oh God, make all my sustenance in my next daughter. Oh God, grant me the pleasure of embracing her.
  • There is only a few left and I embrace my first children. Lord, complete the rest of my pregnancy for me and make the next easy.
  • How beautiful it is for God to bless me with compensation after patience, how sweet it is for God to honor me with a daughter from my soul and from my blood.
  • How sweet it is to hear the news that I am pregnant with a girl, since childhood and since playing with dolls, I hope that one day God will bless me with a girl.
  • A little soul split from her soul, and she became a girl like the moon, everyone is sitting waiting for her. She gave birth to a girl who took her beauty, eyes and smile from her. Oh God, make her born in happiness and protect her from all evil.

Phrases for pregnant with a boy

Each of the spouses can pray to have children, and that God Almighty will bless them with a male child, and we have collected for you in this paragraph some supplications and phrases for the pregnant woman with a son, as follows:

  • Oh God, make it easy for my wife to carry her, help her with what is in her stomach, and relieve her of all pain. Oh God, grant her a good son who will be better for her than what is in the whole world.
  • Oh God, I pray to you to relieve me of the pain of meekness. Oh God, I pray to you to preserve for me a soul that lives inside my stomach
  • I have entrusted you, my Lord, my sister who is pregnant with a child. I ask you, O God, to grant her good offspring and a good son with his parents. O God, ease her for the remaining days until she gives birth to us the most beautiful son in the world.
  • Glory be to God, the Great, God is the Greatest. Congratulations to you, the most beautiful mother who carried you with a son. Happy New Year, my sweetheart, and God willing, the day of your birth will pass well.
  • Congratulations on your pregnancy with a son like the moon. May God make the rest of your pregnancy easy for you and grant you good offspring, Amen.
  • I feel the movements of my son within me, I feel his intimate itch raging inside me. Lord, inform me of the arrival of my son and my future support, and make me always rejoice and be happy with him.
  • Beauty is your beauty, the sweetest and most beautiful of people, and today is your day, and I hope that your joy will be completed with goodness and that you will be the most beautiful mother of the most beautiful boy in the world.
  • My Lord, I do not ask You to lighten my wife's burden, but I ask You to give her a strong back. Lord, ease her affairs and fulfill her heart's joy by seeing her precious son in her arms well.

Phrases about my girlfriend's pregnancy

The beauty of life is manifested with a friend who understands your feelings, understands your view, rejoices in your joy, and comforts your sadness. Here in this paragraph are the strongest expressions about my friend's pregnancy.

  • I ask the Lord Almighty to preserve your fetus for you and to write it for you among the righteous, as I ask Him, the Almighty, to complete your pregnancy, to open your eyes to it and to make it one of the keepers of the Book of God.
  • Bless you, my friend, in the gifted, and you thanked the donor.
  • I extend to you all my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of your pregnancy. May God bless you with goodness and grant you good offspring, for example.
  • I summed up my joy today with the birth of my sweetheart, my friend. Congratulations on your pregnancy, my soul. May you see him in your arms, O Lord.
  • Congratulations, and may God bless you with good offspring, and grant you all the best, and bless you with your money, your husband, and your son. You are a good and honest person, and God will give you better than what you hope for.
  • I congratulate my dear friend on pregnancy, congratulations and may he be raised with your pride, for example.
  • To the one whom God chose to carry a soul among her wombs, she goes out to life, praising God and prostrating to Him. To my beloved friend, may God protect you. God.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, brother

Here are phrases of congratulations on pregnancy, my brother passed away, to express the feelings of joy and happiness that a brother brings to his brother, or a sister to her brother, while offering best wishes and blessings to the newborn.

  • Greetings from us to the beloved, love is sweeter than conscience. God gave us the precious one or the precious one ((…….)) She came to us and enlightened the whole place. Her arrival today for joy is an address.
  • May you both be blessed in the gifted, and you thanked the donor.
  • I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on the occasion of your pregnancy. May God complete it for you with goodness and grant you good offspring.
  • Happiness in my heart has no capacity today, and what remains in me is patience, a patience that removes distress, worry, and masks.
  • To the one whom God chose to carry a soul among her wombs, she goes out to life, praising God... and prostrating to Him... To my beloved sister, may God protect you, I say to you... God bless the gifted, and you thanked the donor, and may God bless you with his righteousness and reach his fullest, so may God help you to thank this gift through a sound upbringing that is In order to fulfill God's covenant
  • I dedicate to you the sweetest message of fragrant incense, distilled water of roses, and the sweetest incense burner of the birth of ((….)) auspicious.. I was born in a hospital.

Touching phrases of congratulations on pregnancy

  • My heart is now filled with feelings of joy and happiness upon hearing this wonderful news. May God complete your pregnancy and bless you with a healthy and strong son who will be kind to you and his father.
  • My friend and sister in God, I knew that you will soon have a beautiful child, words do not die and phrases are not enough, I pray to God for you in every prayer and at all times, to make every difficult matter easy for you and to complete your joy in goodness and you will never see any evil or evil, God willing .
  • Children are the angels of the house and they are the most beautiful thing in this life. May God bless your children and protect them with His eyes that do not sleep and grant you a healthy child who will always be distinguished.
  • A new member will soon join our family, who will be a source of pleasure, joy, and comfort for all of us, and we always pray to God to bring him health, wellness, and provision.
  • God the Most Gracious, the Bestower, has honored us and bestowed upon us this pregnancy. Homes need people, love, and the joy that children bring.
  • We pray to God that it be a good plant, God willing, and that it be among the righteous, pious, keepers of the Book.
  • This child will fill you with life, and fill your hearts with contentment, happiness and love, I am always by your side if you need help with anything.
  • This child will come, God willing, and many beautiful, happy and enjoyable memories and moments will come with him. Take advantage of every minute with your child.
  • The beautiful princess or the little prince who will come to illuminate the sun of our lives and make our hearts joyful and happy and give our lives a unique and special taste. We are waiting impatiently for him to carry him in our hands.

new baby messages funny



new baby messages funny

  • So happy for you two! This will be one lucky kid.
  • You both deserve every little bit of happiness this baby will bring you.
  • You both deserve every little bit of happiness this baby will bring you.
  • Love come true. So very excited for you.
  • Welcome to the world, little girl! So glad you are here!
  • I really look forward to being a part of the child's life as she grows up.
  • What a very lucky kid. Congratulations!
  • I am so happy for you and so happy too, because our little ones are almost the same age. I hope they have as much fun together as we did.
  • I can't wait to help you baby. If you need anything at all, just text me!
  • What a wonderful little girl, we know she will grow up to be a wonderful and strong woman!
  • Wow, what a gorgeous baby girl with bright eyes.

Congratulatory phrases at the birthday party

Among the expressions of congratulations for the newborn in the congratulatory party that is held before the birth of the newborn:

  • It means so much to be here with you today, sharing fun and dreaming with you...
  • It will make your mom look great!
  • I had so much fun shopping for this little gift. Love your nursery theme!
  • All the best to you and your “Name Mommy” as you wait for the big baby to appear! I hope you can use this gift for something you will need.
  • May the arrival of your newborn bring you many cuddles, fun adventures and a lifetime of sweet memories.
  • Congratulations on your little one. I can't wait to welcome my “baby name” into the world. For now, just enjoy the peace and quiet!
  • I can't think of anything more exciting than looking forward to the arrival of the new little love in your life! Congratulations!
  • We're glad it's time to meet your new baby. Here's to a future full of playdates, birthdays and fun!

Funny phrases about the new baby

One of the funny phrases about the new baby

  • Congratulations on your new alarm clock...let the noise begin! Sleep is overrated, but children are not.
  • Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby, and sympathize with your wife at this time.
  • A new baby makes love stronger, your home happier, days shorter, nights longer, and bank accounts empty. Congratulations and have a great time!
  • I can't believe he even has a baby now. However uneventful your life may have been, it is now a thing of the past! Hearty wishes for your little one!

عبارات للمولود

  • سمّوا بإسم الله إذا شفتوني.. وصلّوا على النبي إذا شلتوني.
  • شيلوني برفق وحنان أنا هدية من الرحمن.
  • يا أغلى هدية من الخالق تتمنى العين ما تفارق أجمل وأروع مولود هَلّ بوسط الخلايق.
  • ألف مبروك للحلوين بقدوم أغلى الغاليين الله يبارك فيه ويعين، كل من تعب من أجله أمين.
  • يا أغلى الناس والغاليين مبروك عليكم أحلى الحلوين الله يديمه لكم يا رب ويجعل دربه اليقين.
  • مبروك ويتربى بعزكم ويجعله قدم السعد عليكم وإن شاء الله ما يخيب ظنكم ويبارك فيه ويسعدكم.
  • كنتوا بالعيلة إثنين.. واليوم بقدومه ثلاث.. عقبال إللي بعده يا رب.. وتزيد العيلة أحباب.
  • بقدومه هلت البشاير وبصوته هز المشاعر.. الله يحميه من المخاطر ويجعله دوم طيب الخاطر.
  • بكرة تمر السنين وتشوفه أحلى الشباب، يوقف جنبكم ويعين وكل المصاعب تلين.
  • حملتيه تسع شهور، واليوم جاه ألف مبروك والكل وهبه أجمل شعور وصار بالعيلة مشهور.
  • كُلوا حلاوتي وتحملوا شقاوتي.. إخذوا الحلاوة وكلوها.. وبولادتي أمي هنوها.
  • ألف مبروك للحلوين بقدوم أغلى الغالين الله يبارك فيه ويعين كل من تعب من أجله آمين.
  • الحمد لله على تمام النعمة وإكتمال المنة رزقت ب (إسم المولود) ولله الحمد من قبل ومن بعد.
  • عشان غلاكم ماله حدود ومكانكم بالقلب موجود حبّيت أبشركم بقدوم أجمل مولود (إسم المولود + إسم العائلة).
  • سلام مِنا على الخلان أحلى تحيا من الوجدان، الله وهبنا الغالية أو الغالي (إسم المولود) جاتنا ونورت كل المكان قدومها اليوم للفرح عنوان، تقول للي إنتظروها أنا وصلت اليوم هبه من المنّان.
  • أهدي لك أحلى رسالة بالبخور مُعطره وبماي الورد مقطره وبأحلى البخور مبخره، بولادة (إسم المولود) مبشره.. ولدت بمستشفى (.. ).
  • يا طير طاير بالأجواء ميّل وغرّد بأحلى غناء لأحلى مولود وصل اليوم (إسم المولود) شيخ كل الشباب.
  • السعادة بقلبي مالها اليوم سعه، وما بقى فيني من الصبر صبر، أبزيل الكدر والهم والأقنعة وأنحني لربي وأشكره أعظم شكر وأرسم الفرحة وأنسى الحزن ومدمعه، وأبشركم بولادة (إسم المولود) يا أغلى البشر.
  • ولد عريس مثل القمر.. جاني اليوم أحلى بشر.. عروسة مثل القمر.. سبحان ربي اللي أمر.. وأعطاني هدية العمر.
  • أعلن فرحتي بأحلى خبر وأبشركم بقدوم أغلى البشر.. وصول مولودتي الجديدة الله يحفظها لي من كل خطر.
  • يا ناس يا عسل (إسم المولود) وصل باركوا لماما باللي حصل.
  • باركوا لي يا حضور بعد ما مرّت الشهور الله رزقني (إسم المولود) خلّت حياتي كلها نور.
  • بشرى لنا.. نلنا المنى.. زال العنا.. وأتى الهنا.. يا نفس طيبي بالمولود.. يا نفس قري أعينا.
  • عندما تبدأ الشمس بجمع خيوطها مُعلنه ولادة قمر الليله (إسم المولود) الغالي بمستشفى (.. ) غرفه (.. ) الدور (.. ).
  • طير الفرح غنا وبديارنا علاّ وبولادتك يا (إسم المولود) نتهنى.
  • بقدومه أشرقت شمس الشموس وصار بهجة كل النفوس.. نوّر على دنيانا وجوده.. ومن اليوم بنحجز له أجمل عروس.
  • تبدّلت بوجوده الأوضاع.. وصار كل شيء رائع.. الله يديمه لكم يا رب.. ويبعد عنكم الأوجاع.
  • ما شاءالله العين تسر من جماله.. تبارك الله يا زينه في دلاله.
  • The time of the first transformation.. No one remains the same.. With his arrival, everything changes.. May God perpetuate joy and remove anger.
  • To the dear ones, the sweetest greeting, fragrant with roses, and a thousand gifts, on the occasion of the birth of (the name of the newborn), may the Lord of the wilderness preserve him for you.
  • Welcome to him and his arrival, make everyone happy with his presence, a blessing from the Lord, I saw him and all those around him love him, the earth shone and increased and sparkled lights around us, so I wondered what was the secret of this beauty, so with the news of the arrival of your newborn .. God and his father righteousness and righteousness.
  • No matter what poems I say about you, the light of your face and the beauty of your eyes have crushed those letters and words.
  • We have not forgotten you, and we congratulated you and love on the birth of (the name of the newborn), and thank God for your safety.
  • May you both be blessed in the gifted, and thank you for the donor.
  • A thousand congratulations flying over the heads of the newborn.. And the phrases are embellished with decades of roses.. Every heart beats with supplication in prostration.. May God bless (the name of the newborn) and make his days happy.
  • Oh my joy for my mother and father, they are my candle, my joy for my sister and my brother, they are my joy.. my joy for visiting my relatives and beloved ones.. my joy for them doing my duty.. it was a good hour on the day I came.. I say thank you to those who shared my joy with me.
  • The earth has been blessed by your footsteps, with your presence, the world has enriched its ease.. My Lord combined (the name of the newborn) with (the mother’s name) and our tears of joy welled up.
  • The world has been enlightened by your presence.. The stars of the world have shined, so congratulations to you for attending the meeting of the sun with the moon.
  • The morning is worthy of your face, and joy is your mouth, as long as my Lord has provided you with the cow of your eyes, a child opens your body, your joy, your flower, and the happiness of the white nights blooms in your being. Your Lord loves you, gives you more good in your life, and gives you a child who leaves the rest of your branches and dispels the grievances of your entire life.. and your grievances. May God prolong your life and yours.
  • From the heart.. I thank you for your visit.. It is the first time I see you.. But I love you.. Because you were happy with my arrival.. Signature.. (Name of the newborn).
  • How beautiful it is to see you around me.. in the first moments of my life.. your love.. your love.. (name of the newborn)
  • (Name of the newborn) is honored to bring you the good news of his arrival and the sharing of his parents’ happiness, so I pray to God to make him one of the righteous offspring and to make his parents happy with him.
  • (The name of the newborn) is honored to bring you the good news of his arrival and the participation of his parents in their happiness, so I pray to God to make him one of the righteous offspring and to make his parents happy with him.
  • Today, Prince (name of the newborn) honored us, our little beloved, to decorate our happy family contract, add lights and spread happiness between us, so I pray to God that our eyes will recognize him.
  • Congratulations, a word I say from my heart, in which I congratulate you for what my Lord has blessed you with.

new born wishes for baby boy



عبارات تهنئة مولود ذكر 

  • لقد أشرقت الأرض وازدادت وتلألأت أنوارًا من حولنا، فتساءلت ما سر هذا الجمال، فإذا بخبر قدوم مولودكم يُزفّ إليّ.. دعواتي بأن يكون من مواليد السعادة، وأن يرزقك الله ووالده بره وصلاحه.
  • للغاليين.. أحلى تحية معطرة بالورد، وألف هدية بمناسبة مولودكم، يحفظه لكم رب البرية.
  • مبروك كلمة أقولها من قلبي.. أهنيكم فيها على ما رزقكم ربي..عساه من الصالحين يكون..وعساه بالفرح يملأ الكون.. وبالنجاح إن شاء الله يرفع رأسكم لفوق.. وتفتخرون به وين ما يكون.. مبروك ألف مبروك يا أيها القلب الحنون.
  • مولود مبارك، ربي أفرح قلبهم بالحب والرضا بوجود هذا الملاك الصغير في حياتهم، مبارك عليكم النونو الصغير، مولود مبارك.
  • مولود سعيد عليكم، اليوم يوم فرحة على الجميع بقدوم مولودكم الجميل، ألف قبلة لكم من قلوبنا، نرسلها على باقة من الورد ونقول لكم، ألف مبارك النونو الصغير، مولود سعيد.
  • جعل الله حياتكم حب وكرم وعطاء ورزق وفير بقدوم هذا المولود الجديد على حياتكم، يتربي بعزكم.
  • مبارك البيبي، ما شاء الله على وجهه الذي يشبه البدر، حفظه الله لكم من كل شر، و جعله الله من السعداء، مبارك المولود.
  • أدام الله عليكم السعادة طوال العمر ورزقكم الذرية الصالحة مدي الحياة، وجعل هذا المولود وجه السعادة والفرح عليكم.
  • أعطاكم الله عطاء جميل، فألف مبارك على هدية الله لكم، وجعله من الأولياء الصالحين.
  • مباركة كبيرة من كل الحضور، لتهنئة الطفل القمر، اللي خلى حياتنا كلها نور.
  • مبروك لكل الأهل الموجودين، ربنا يجمعنا دائماً بقدوم الغالين، ويا رب بارك فيه وعين.
  • أسمى التهاني من قلبي إليكم، بقدوم مولودكم الغالي عليكم، أعانكم الله بحسن تربيته وعلو شأنه وخلقه، وجعله من الصالحين.
  • يا أغلى الناس والغاليين مبروك عليكم أحلى الحلوين الله يديمه لكم يا ربّ ويجعل دربه اليقين.
  • جئت لتسعد والديك.. ونورت الدنيا بعنيك.. ومليت الحياة بالحب والحنان مع لمسة إيديك.
  • اليوم امتلأ المنزل بالأفراح.. وظهر في البيت صوت جديد بالصياح.. الله يرزقكم برزقه، وينوله كل النجاح.
  • Congratulations. I say a word from my heart. .

 Phrases of congratulation for the new born male

  • When the new birth comes to the world, the family and loved ones hasten to send blessings and congratulations, and among the most beautiful phrases and words that carry feelings of love and affection are the phrases of praise to God Almighty for the safety of the newborn and the safety of the mother.
  • Praise be to God for the safety of the newborn. Blessed be the gifted one. May God bless you with his righteousness and reach his senses. And make him among the righteous, God willing.
  • Congratulations on your new talent, may God bless you with his righteousness and reach his senses. I ask God Almighty to make his whole life full of safety, happiness and contentment, and to fill your lives with joy, beauty and happiness and to make him among the righteous.
  • We thank God Almighty for your safety, and we ask God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, to make him blessed among the righteous, to bless you with His righteousness, and to help you to thank His blessings.
  • May God Almighty make you happy with the advent of the gifted one, and make him a joy to your eye and make him a righteous and righteous son.
  • We thank God Almighty for the safety of the mother …. We ask God Almighty for safety and wellness for you and your new baby. May God bless you both, the talented, and make his arrival the beginning of goodness and happiness for you and the Muslims. And grow up with your glory and your pampering.
  • Congratulations to you, the new talent, and we thank God Almighty for your safety. May God Almighty make goodness, benefit, and love come to you, and make you happy with him, and may God bless you both in him.
  • Blessed be the talented you both, and we ask Almighty God to protect him from every envious eye and hateful soul.
  • Praise be to God for the arrival of the talented, and may God Almighty bless you with his righteousness and reach his senses, and make him among the righteous and successful in this world and the hereafter.

Phrases for the arrival of a male baby

  • Congratulations to both of you, the new talent, may God protect him from all evil and evil.
  • Congratulations on the new talent, and we ask God Almighty to bless you both in it and make it among the righteous.
  • I congratulate you on the talent, and we ask God Almighty to make it an opening for good for you.
  • Congratulations on your new baby, and we ask God Almighty to bless you both and help you to raise him well.
  • May God make him the apple of your eye and grant him health, wellness and happiness.

new baby messages for friend



Congratulations on the birth of my friend

Congratulating the newborn of my friend, there is nothing more wonderful than the occasion of the arrival of a new baby to life, as it is one of the most beautiful livelihoods that make parents happy and blessed with it. You have a relative or friend and God blessed him with a new child and you are looking for phrases and congratulations on the occasion of his arrival:

  • Congratulations, my friend, on the new baby, and may God bless him.
  • A thousand congratulations to my new born friend, may he be blessed with your glory.
  • Masha Allah, congratulations, my friend, on the new baby. May God make him a happy baby.
  • The most beautiful congratulations and blessings to my friend and companion “the name” on the occasion of his birth to the newborn whom he named “the name of the newborn”.
  • A thousand blessings, my newborn friend, who is raised with your honor and makes him righteous to his parents.
  • I extend my warmest congratulations and blessings to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of the new baby.
  • Congratulations, my new born friend. We ask God to bless him and grant you his righteousness and righteousness. Congratulations to you and the honorable family.
  • A thousand congratulations, my friend, and thank God for the safety of the newborn and the mother, and may God protect and protect you.
  • My best congratulations and best wishes to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of his birth, the newborn who lit his candle in his life, and may he grow up in your glory, my dear.

Congratulatory messages for a friend on the new baby

Here are the congratulations to a friend on the new baby:

  • I hope that God will bless your offspring, and may he grow up in your beautiful and abundant glory. May God perpetuate him in your lives and protect him from all evil.
  • To my dear friend and beautiful brother, I congratulate you greatly for the beautiful blessing that God has bestowed upon you today. Blessed are you, my dear. May God protect him from all evil and perpetuate him in great goodness from God.
  • I apologize for not seeing the beautiful child that God blessed you with, but I send you the best and best wishes and say to you, may God protect him in his deposits and protect him from all evil, and I hope that you will always see him well.
  • God willing, a thousand blessings, my friend, for the new baby. May God make him one of those born with happiness.
  • A thousand blessings my new born friend, may he grow up in your glory.
  • The most beautiful congratulations and blessings to my friend and companion “the name” on the occasion of his having a newborn, whom he named “the name of the newborn”.
  • A thousand blessings, my newborn friend. We ask God to bless him and grant you his righteousness and righteousness. Congratulations to you and the honorable family.
  • I extend my warmest congratulations and blessings to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of the new baby.
  • My best congratulations and best wishes to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of his birth, the newborn who lit a candle in his life, and he will be raised in your glory, dear.
  • A thousand congratulations, my friend, and thank God for the safety of the newborn and the mother, and may God preserve and protect you. 

Phrases of congratulating a friend on his birthday

The following are phrases to congratulate a friend on his newborn:

  • I congratulate my friend, “the name,” on the arrival of his newborn, “the name of the newborn.” God bless you for the one who was gifted to you.
  • Congratulations to you, my friend, who was born. May God grant your eyes the goodness of the newborn, optimistic about a wonderful generation, if someone like you educates and educates.
  • I congratulate you, my friend and companion of life, “the name,” on the occasion of the newborn, a thousand thousand blessings, O Lord, may he be raised with your glory and your pampering.
  • Congratulations, my friend, on the new baby, and Al-Aqabi for the joy of the girl, God willing.
  • With the most beautiful expressions of congratulations, I congratulate my friend “the name” on the arrival of the new baby, may God make it righteous and righteous that your eyes will acknowledge.
  • Oh God, make him the apple of an eye for his parents and protect him. Oh God, grow him a good plant.
  • May God bless you in the gifted, and you thanked the donor.
  • Oh God, grant him long life, abundance of sustenance, eagerness to work, and happiness in both homes. Oh God, Amen.
  • I pray to God to bless the newborn baby and protect her from all evils and protect her and make her among the faithful and righteous.
  • May God make the newborn one of those born with happiness, and that she will be the righteous daughter for you in this world and the hereafter.

Congratulatory words for a friend on the birth

Here are the most beautiful words of congratulations to a friend on the newborn:

  • The honey has arrived, and the son of my loved ones, who was born with joy, called. May God make him a blessing for you in this world and the hereafter.
  • I ask God Almighty, Lord of the Noble Throne, to bless the newborn, to benefit his nation and his family, and to make him an asset for Islam and Muslims.
  • May God bless you for what was given to you.
  • You were two, then you became three. Oh God, make all your days an increase.
  • May Allah bless the newborn, protect him from all harm, and make him among the righteous and reformers.
  • Congratulations on the new light that has graced your home, and the joy that has overwhelmed you.
  • May God make him born of happiness, and children of righteousness in this world and the hereafter.
  • The best congratulations and best wishes to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of having a new baby. A thousand thousand thousand congratulations.
  • I extend my warmest congratulations and blessings to my dear friend “the name” on the arrival of the new baby “the name of the newborn”.
  • We bleed the most beautiful congratulations and blessings to my friend “the name” from the city of “the name of the city” on the occasion of his birth to the new baby.

Congratulations on the birth of my friend

Congratulating my friend's newborn: When a friend gives birth to a new baby, she receives a lot of congratulatory words and different expressions that are very normal, but we have prepared for you a special kind of congratulation for the birth of my friend, with a very wonderful arrangement and organization, and unique and beautiful words that suit everything you need.

  • I am very happy with this newborn, full of the beauty of your soul and the beauty of meanings. I have no doubt about that. Congratulations to you, my friend, “the name.” I wish him and you happiness. My dear friend, thank God for your safety and the safety of your newborn. Bless the gifted one. You thanked the donor for reaching his maturity and maturity.
  • A thousand congratulations to my friend “the name” on the new baby, thank God for his safety. Congratulations, Baabhom, the newborn, and thank God for the safety of my friend “Al-Asm” Rouhi, but Yazain, who became a mother.
  • My friend who joined the ranks of mothers and heaven became under her feet. Blessed be your firstborn and blessed are his days.
  • My happiness today is double, to go through the process of giving birth safely and safely and to see you in good health, and to see your precious baby come out into the light and give us indescribable happiness and joy, may God bless him, my dear friend.
  • Today your child comes out into the world after several months of hardship, the extent of which only God knows. You do not know how happy I am for you, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish God to make him a righteous son for you and his father.
  • Praise be to God for the blessing of the Wahhab who gave you a baby girl who looks like the moon. My best congratulations to you and the arrival of your precious baby girl, and I hope that God will protect her for you until the end of your life.
  • The birds chirped and the flowers danced in celebration of this happy news. O dearest of human beings, congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl. May God protect her for you from all harm and protect her from every danger.
  • Congratulations... Congratulations... O Hana of the heart, congratulations. I say it from the bottom of my heart as an expression of my happiness with your overwhelming joy. My Lord, make her one of the good deeds, grant her steadfastness and safety, and fill her life with happiness and success.
  • The first Dhana to meet Kamila Al-Zein, may God protect her and protect her Dhana, my friend, congratulations on the newborn
  • Give me good news and sweeten it from Bashara. Congratulations on the newborn, friend of my heart.

Congratulations on the birth of 2021

Congratulating the newborn of my friend: Newborns or a new child is the joy of the eye for his parents, his family and his relatives.

  • Oh, I wish you would treat me with kindness, because Mama sure got tired of me.
  • My heart is like her heart, my love is her love, and my child is the whole world.
  • Shloni Balfti Ahan Tahdrua Zafta.
  • They named Ali in the name of the Most Merciful, and pray for me to be one of the memorizers of the Qur’an.
  • Welcome to his arrival and all the happiest of his presence, a blessing from the Lord I saw him, and everyone who saw him loved him.
  • God willing, for his beauty. Blessed be God, Zeina, for his evidence.
  • The sweetest child resembles the full moon, her face is filled with sweetness and purity, her eyes are innocent like the dawn, and her soul is pure like a river.
  • Carry me in the name of God, and remember me with the sweetest prayers.
  • The dearest, dear, he greeted him, and bribed him with the best roses.
  • Bless me with the presence of the sweetest creation of God, and enlighten my life in the midst of this life.
  • A thousand congratulations on the advent of the most precious ones, and help everyone who worked hard for him, Amin.
  • O dearest, beautiful and dear ones, congratulations to you, the sweetest fetus, and may God make him happy and perpetuate him for you, O Lord of the worlds.
  • O dead, welcome his arrival, and let everyone be happy with his presence, a blessing from God I saw him and everyone who saw him loved him.
  • Oh bird, bird in all the atmosphere and tweeted to us with the sweetest singing, and for the sweetest baby who arrived today, he will be the sheikh of all youth.

new baby messages for coworker



 new baby messages for coworker

Here are the congratulations to a friend on the new baby:

  • I hope that God will bless your offspring, and may he grow up in your beautiful and abundant glory. May God perpetuate him in your lives and protect him from all evil.
  • To my dear friend and beautiful brother, I congratulate you greatly for the beautiful blessing that God has bestowed upon you today. Blessed are you, my dear. May God protect him from all evil and perpetuate him in great goodness from God.
  • I apologize for not seeing the beautiful child that God blessed you with, but I send you the best and best wishes and say to you, may God protect him in his deposits and protect him from all evil, and I hope that you will always see him well.
  • God willing, a thousand blessings, my friend, for the new baby. May God make him one of those born with happiness.
  • A thousand blessings my new born friend, may he grow up in your glory.
  • The most beautiful congratulations and blessings to my friend and companion “the name” on the occasion of his having a newborn, whom he named “the name of the newborn”.
  • A thousand blessings, my newborn friend. We ask God to bless him and grant you his righteousness and righteousness. Congratulations to you and the honorable family.
  • I extend my warmest congratulations and blessings to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of the new baby.
  • My best congratulations and best wishes to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of his birth, the newborn who lit a candle in his life, and he will be raised in your glory, dear.
  • A thousand congratulations, my friend, and thank God for the safety of the newborn and the mother, and may God preserve and protect you.

Phrases of congratulating new baby  for coworker

The following are phrases to congratulate a friend on his newborn:

  • I congratulate my friend, “the name,” on the arrival of his newborn, “the name of the newborn.” God bless you for the one who was gifted to you.
  • Congratulations to you, my friend, who was born. May God grant your eyes the goodness of the newborn, optimistic about a wonderful generation, if someone like you educates and educates.
  • I congratulate you, my friend and companion of life, “the name,” on the occasion of the newborn, a thousand thousand blessings, O Lord, may he be raised with your glory and your pampering.
  • Congratulations, my friend, on the new baby, and Al-Aqabi for the joy of the girl, God willing.
  • With the most beautiful expressions of congratulations, I congratulate my friend “the name” on the arrival of the new baby, may God make it righteous and righteous that your eyes will acknowledge.
  • Oh God, make him the apple of an eye for his parents and protect him. Oh God, grow him a good plant.
  • May God bless you in the gifted, and you thanked the donor.
  • Oh God, grant him long life, abundance of sustenance, eagerness to work, and happiness in both homes. Oh God, Amen.
  • I pray to God to bless the newborn baby and protect her from all evils and protect her and make her among the faithful and righteous.
  • May God make the newborn one of those born with happiness, and that she will be the righteous daughter for you in this world and the hereafter.

Congratulatory words for a friend on the birth

Here are the most beautiful words of congratulations to a friend on the newborn:

  • The honey has arrived, and the son of my loved ones, who was born with joy, called. May God make him a blessing for you in this world and the hereafter.
  • May God bless you for what was given to you.
  • You were two, then you became three. Oh God, make all your days an increase.
  • May Allah bless the newborn, protect him from all harm, and make him among the righteous and reformers.
  • Congratulations on the new light that has graced your home, and the joy that has overwhelmed you.
  • May God make him born of happiness, and children of righteousness in this world and the hereafter.
  • The best congratulations and best wishes to my dear friend “the name” on the occasion of having a new baby. A thousand thousand thousand congratulations.
  • I extend my warmest congratulations and blessings to my dear friend “the name” on the arrival of the new baby “the name of the newborn”.
  • We bleed the most beautiful congratulations and blessings to my friend “the name” from the city of “the name of the city” on the occasion of his birth to the new baby.

birthday messages for husband



Happy birthday to my husband

Birthdays are always special, especially when it is the birth of an important person like your partner. You will definitely be planning to surprise him, and you want to make him feel your love and care, and thank him for being an integral part of your life, and among the necessary things that you must do and you must send congratulatory phrases him on this occasion.

Happy birthday to my husband
  • Whenever I'm having a bad day I know I can count on your love and affection You make me feel safe always I want to take this opportunity to express my love and respect to you and wish you a happy birthday my dear husband
  • I am confused about what to give you for your wedding. I will give you a flower that will be withered. I will give you my life that is not enough. I decided to give you the word “congratulations.” You carry it in your heart and make you happy.
  • Happy new year, my dearest person in my little heart. Today is your happy birthday. My soul and Mona are my eyes to lift you up and fly.
  • Today is your birthday, and I am promised it... Oh my dearest paths, my dear friend... The universe and its stars are witnesses to your love... The whole galaxy knows what I want.. Today is your birthday, and today I am born.. As long as your love is love and the pulse is calm.
  • Happy birthday to the most wonderful, courageous, handsome husband You are the greatest man I have ever met I wish you a happy birthday my dear husband
  • My dear husband, may God prolong your life, and may God prolong my life so that I can celebrate with you every year a happy birthday.
  • To my beloved husband, happy new year, your birthday is the best holiday, may God prolong your life.

Muhammad's birthday

The husband’s birthday is considered one of the important occasions that women like to celebrate, and this is due to her desire to express the amount of love and appreciation she has for him, so she searches for the appropriate gift, and prepares for everything necessary for this beautiful occasion, including preparing the gift and the candy mold, as she You like to choose everything carefully so that it is special, and in this article we will give you words of congratulations on the birthday of husband Muhammad, follow us.

  • Today is the birthday of my dear husband, Muhammad. Happy new year, my dear. May God not deprive me of you. O Lord, my whole life is yours.
  • Today marks the birthday of my dear husband, Muhammad. Happy new year. May He preserve you for us and what deprives us of you. May He protect you from all evil. O Lord, make it a year of goodness and blessings upon you. Happy birthday, my dear.
  • Happy birthday, and every year to you, my beloved husband, Muhammad, and I wish you the hundred years you will spend among your children and grandchildren.
  • The most beautiful day is the birthday of my dear husband, my beloved Muhammad. Happy new year. May God protect you for us, my love.
  • The birth of the companion of my life, and the partner of my life, my husband Muhammad, every year, and you are all my years, the whole life, God willing, in obedience to God and His Messenger.
  • I send you a few words, the sweetest of your name, Muhammad, on this humble card, to congratulate you on your birthday. Happy New Year. Happy Birthday.
  • The sweetest congratulations on the birthday of Noor Aini, and the beloved of my heart, my dear husband, Muhammad.
  • No matter how much my heart looks at people's names, it only finds the name of Muhammad, the most beautiful of them. Happy birthday, and every year, you are well, my dear
  • If God gave me two hearts, I would love you with one and write your name on the second, Muhammad. Happy birthday.
  • My love for you is one thing, and my love for your name, Muhammad, is something else. Perhaps we should celebrate with you on Monday, an eid for you and an eid for your name.

To my husband on his birthday

It is natural for men to be preoccupied with work and bringing money to the point that they sometimes forget the day on which they were born and came to the world, and this preoccupation is very beneficial for you, madam, as it allows you to surprise your husband on his birthday and celebrate it together. Therefore, you must take great care of this day, by sending congratulatory messages. In the feast and do not forget the gift.

  • I love you and the way you love me May God keep you for me and your heart Happy birthday my beloved husband
  • You are the husband every woman wants. You are the father every child will love. You are the friend that no one can have. you are all what I have. Thank you for everything my love. I wish you the happiest birthday ever. My dear husband
  • I say quickly, kiss them all, Happy New Year, and good luck, which is dearer to me than all.
  • Sender: One of the people Receiver: Dearest and dearest people Text: Happy Eid before all people.
  • Of course, I am the last, and they preceded me a lot, but I sure have a dangerous taste. Happy new year
  • I appreciate all the blessings in my life. But the blessing of your presence and your love is not enough for any words. You are the most beautiful gift from God. Happy birthday, the best husband
  • I send you my greetings with the birds, and I precede people and others, and I tell you Happy New Year
  • O Lord, this sweetheart and his rose, so grant her from every good gift, and make her far away rewarded, accompanied by the best of the wilderness
  • A surface-to-surface missile exploded in length and width, saying Happy Eid, the sweetest moon on Earth
  • Before you put on the zabut and answer the beep and say raspberries, happy new year

my husband birthday wallpapers

The husband is the best friend and lover, he is the one who completes the soul and the second half, and the year of life, he is the complement of the days, months and years, and the rest of life with him, and he is the one who is called the true meaning of love together, today we offer you the most beautiful backgrounds for the husband’s birthday.

  • Oh birds of the morning, my crescent, and the stars of the sky, stay in the sky and do not set, O flowers of spring, open and open the doors of life for every flower that refuses to open. Today is the birthday of my husband, my love, my support and the light of my eyes. Promised, my dearest, dearest, dearest, dear friend of the universe and its stars, witnessing your love to the whole galaxy. You know that what I want today is your birth, and today I am born. Your wishes and be in the satisfaction of the Most Gracious, O Lord, every year and you are well, O beloved of the soul, O dear.
  • If they ask me one day of the month you love the most, I tell them the month of his birth in which my life partner “date” is my beloved husband. Every year, you are the most precious human being. My husband, my husband, no matter how long I look at you, it is not enough for me, so let me, on the day of your birth, look at you and enjoy more, my love, may God keep you for him. Happy birthday, I love you.

Husband birthday whatsapp status

The husband is the shelter for the wife, and their relationship must be based on respect, love and compassion, as this is one of the basics of a happy life and a guarantee for the survival of their relationship for life, and each of them must remind the other of his love, even with words, and in this article we will present to you cases of WhatsApp on the husband’s birthday.

  • My beloved husband, Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you, my heart, and I hope it will be a happy year for us and for all people. Happy New Year to you. Happy birthday, my soul.
  • My dear, wonderful, amazing, unique husband, who when I'm having a bad day, I can count on your love and affection, turning all scales into indescribable happiness.
  • Happy New Year, my beloved, my soul, my heart, and the light of my eyes. Today is the birthday of my husband, my life.
  • Happy New Year, and stay a crown above my head, Abu Al-Zouz, my dear husband, the most wonderful husband. Happy birthday. Every year, you are a source of light for my heart. Every year, you are a source of joy for my soul. Every year, I collect words of love to make a necklace that I give to you. Every year, you are my love.
  • My husband, I would like to take advantage of this day to make you feel more distinguished and joyful, which you always give me, by your closeness and kindness, and I say to you every year and you are always good for me.

The best words for my husband on his birthday

Every person in this world has another half who completes him, shares his life with him in its good and bad, cares about his affairs, and takes care of him. The husband is the life partner who started and ended his life for the sake of his home and family. Words to my husband on his birthday.

  • You and I, and no one else, brought us together with love and friendship. We celebrate and rejoice in your birthday, every year because you are my dear husband.
  • Today is one of the most beautiful days of my life because it is the birth of my husband, my heartbeat, my love, you are mine today and every day I love you my husband, happy birthday.
  • The heart beats and tears flow, and you are in every year of love, my love with which I am sweeter, and your feast in which I am sweeter. Happy new year.
  • Happy birthday my husband, I loved you and will love you forever, love you and tenderness you are my God make my husband happy for life, happy birthday my husband.
  • Happy birthday, my soul, my husband, you are everything beautiful in my life, and you are the most beautiful of my dreams, so may God fulfill them. I love you, my beloved husband. Happy birthday, my husband.

My husband's birthday words for Facebook

It came on occasions that pass us all, as the birthday man is very happy when he finds his loved ones, friends, and acquaintances who congratulate him via Facebook or any other means of communication, and we will list for you a distinct group that you can choose what suits you from them until you congratulate the husband.

  • On the best day of the month, I wanted to precede people and congratulate the one who is sweeter than the moon and more precious than sight.
  • The best congratulations on the occasion of the birthday of the light of my eyes, and the sweetheart of my heart, my dear husband.
  • Oh, let it be, my beloved, the companion of the path..Leave me the vinegar of Wydad, embrace our hands..On your birthday, I present from the bottom of my heart the most beautiful verses written for the most wonderful two, and I do not think about rhymes...
  • I will not say happy new year, but I will say you are good for every year, my husband.
  • The birth of the companion of my life, and the partner of my life, my husband, every year, and you are all my years, the whole life, God willing, in obedience to God and His Messenger.
  • Every year you are my father, every year you are my soul, every year you are my husband, every year you are my love, every year you are a thousand good.
  • Happy new year, my dearest person in my little heart. Today is your happy birthday. My soul and Mona are my eyes to lift you up and fly.
  • Happy new year and happy birthday to my husband, and the most precious thing in the world is you and my children.

My traveler husband's birthday

The husband is a blessing from God. God created him to be a support for the wife and a father for her children. He created him to give everything he has for the happiness of his small and large family. In this topic, we present to you some phrases of congratulations for my husband's birthday, selected and inspired by the dictionary of love, to celebrate his birthday.

  • Today is the birthday of my dear husband. Every year, you are my support, my soul, and all my world. May God keep you for me, and God willing, a happy year for all of us, my family, my man’s family, and all my loved ones.
  • Today coincides with my husband's birthday, every year, and you are a thousand good, and may you enlighten my life and my heart. Birthday of my beloved husband. Every year, you are my life. Every year, I am with you in every letter and every heartbeat. The most precious is every day, and we are together and closer to each other. Every year, you are a blessing.
  • Today marks the birthday of my dear husband, Abu Rami. God willing, you will have a crown on my head, my dear. Hopefully it will be a good year for you. May God grant you success. Happy new year, and I wish you 120 years, my soul.
  • The birthday of my beloved husband, every year, and you are closer to God, and I wish you a million years, and may God bless you and keep you for us, every year, and you are happy and happy every day. We are together and closer every year, and you are a blessing. You are the reason for my happiness.

birthday messages for colleague funny



Funny birthday greetings for friends

Here are funny birthday greetings for friends:

  • We will remain the most wonderful old friends, who brought together many beautiful memories and exceptional moments, and we will remain so until the gray hair begins and the memory fails us to return again as we were once new friends.
  • I wanted to give you something wonderful and elegant as a gift for your birthday, then I remembered that you have a friend like me in your life. Happy birthday, my sweet. The older one gets, the more mature and wiser he becomes, so he loves what is spiritual and does not return to material much meaning, so I thought that there is no such thing. A reason for a gift.
  • Don't worry about low vision, this nature protects you from the shock of seeing your face in the mirror and wrinkles. You lived a long time my friend, you seem to belong to those very ancient times BC, but at least you are not extinct yet Isn't that reason enough to celebrate, happy birthday dear.
  • Happy birthday my friend, don't worry if you need help blowing out the candles I'm here, she's probably too old to blow on them anymore. Happy birthday to you my friend, it took you all these years to finally look beautiful. I'm so happy for you.

Funny birthday greetings

Very funny birthday greetings:

  • If anyone tells you you're too old this year, hit them with your cane, and whet your teeth at them. Merry Christmas, old man! Happy birthday dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you, like every detail of you, your hair graying, your beautiful beard everything looks more beautiful, happy birthday my dear dad.
  • You know that the man has really begun to grow up, when he starts to slow down while driving because the doctor warned him, and not out of fear of the policeman, as if you have grown up, my friend.
  • If you ever wanted a little attention, just change the date of your birthday on Facebook, my friend, and today, because it's real, I'm going to give you all the attention and wish you a happy birthday.
  • Since the morning I have been searching for the best Christmas messages to send to you, but I found many of them and I could not choose, the important thing is happy birthday.
  • Please don't touch your wrinkles too much to ruin them they are very expensive it took you many years to own them Happy New Year my friend.

Words for friends birthday

Here are the words for the birthday of friends:

  • Today we extinguished all the candles of the past, and we will light the candles of tomorrow that make your New Year happy, and make it a year of joy for you. Happy New Year, my friend.
  • My friend is the one who carries my sorrows and my illusion, and today is her birthday. Happy New Year, the sweetest friend in my life. The holidays are completed on your birthday, my friend. Every year you are close to me, and a year of goodness, joy and happiness, the kindest heart in the whole world.
  • My friend, I wish you beautiful days and years full of goodness, love and fulfilled wishes.
  • On this day, the Earth is destined to embrace a pure heart to spread joy in the lives of all those who know it. Every year, you are the most beautiful friend.
  • May God fulfill your aspirations, beautify your days, and always decorate your path with goodness and success, my friend. My friend, I will stay here every year when you blow out your birthday candles, the first to congratulate you, the first to hold your hand, and the last to leave, so every year we are together, O moon of my days.
  • Today is the birthday of the dearest friend in my life, the birthday of the most delicate and most beautiful person in my life. Happy new year and fulfill all your hopes, God willing.
  • Happy New Year, O rose in the garden, O most beautiful friend of mine in this life, O symbol of safety and sincerity.

Birthday messages for special friends

The following are distinguished birthday messages for friends:

  • Every year, you are a part of the soul, and a companion on the path, and whoever I want my heart to lean on his heart when he grows up, so every year you are by my side, and goodness is for you as a companion.
  • Happy New Year and Happy Birthday. Happy New Year, my dear, the most beautiful day of life. Every year, your love in my heart increases after my life. Every year, you are my companion, my friend, and the most precious person.
  • Happy new year and happy birthday, every year and you are my best friend and dearest human being.
  • By candlelight and in the presence of relatives and loved ones, I wish you a happy year that suits the whiteness of your heart and the peace that resides in your soul.
  • May God surround you with the breeze of mercy, the fragrance of forgiveness, and the serenity of love. Happy New Year.
  • Happy new year, I wish you that this year will be the best of years, the year of fulfilling your wishes and dreams, a year of goodness, happiness, love and love, and happiness enters your heart and sorrows and pain leave you, so that your wings keep flapping with love and peace.